Document Activity Profiles
CREATING AND ASSIGNING Document Activity Profile (DAP)
Anytime an administrative users creates a new specialty in iMedConsent that contains consent categories, it must be assigned to a Document Activity Profile (DAP). It is recommended to create separate DAPs for Basic and Step By Step consents. The easiest way to do this is to copy an existing DAP and rename it. Here are the steps:
- Open iMedConsent and select Maintenance -> Preferences -> Document Activity Profiles
- Select an existing DAP from the dropdown box at the top of the screen. The example uses "Cardiology – Consents Basic DAP"
- Click the Copy button at the bottom of the screen.
- In the Profile Name box, type in the name of the new Specialty (make sure to leave the text "Consents – Basic")
- Click the Assignments tab. De-select the assignments from the copied DAP (in this case, Cardiology) and select the new assignments for the new specialty.
- Scroll down and click the gray folder next to the new specialty to view all the categories. Click the box next to the categories to which the new DAP is to be assigned.
- Next, click the Medical Record tab. This is where the note number is assigned (which references the note title) as well as the Process Option (options for displaying the progress note and image). The note number is internal to the EMR system (VistA/CPRS) and represents the note title to assign to this DAP.
- Click OK to Save Changes.
NOTE: Non-consent categories under any specialty will automatically default to the note title assigned to education/non-consents. This is called the Default Non-Consent DAP. It is usually the first DAP that appears in the list. To use a different note title than the default, this is best accomplished by copying the Default Non-Consent DAP and renaming it. Please remember to un-check the Default box on the Assignments tab of the copy.